In the Research Projects section we describe five of our current functional genomics projects:
- Exploring GIs in Yeast
- Identifying Differential Essential Genes and Mapping Genetic Interaction Networks in a Set of Wild Yeast Isolates
- Identifying Bypass Suppressors of Essential Genes and Synthetic Lethal Gene Pairs
- Integrating Diverse Biological Networks
- Exploring GIs in a Human Cell Line
- Mapping a Genetic Network for a Reference Human Cell Line
- Mapping Genetic Interactions of Human Essential Genes
- Generating A Mitochondrial Network in Health and Disease
- Exploring the Biological Role of a Deglycosylase Implicated in a Rare Disease
- Studying Human Genetic Interactions at the Biobank Level by Using Scalable Algorithms
- Exploring Chemical Genetics in Yeast and Other Organisms and in a Human Cell Line
- Applying Chemical Genetic Interactions to Guide Follow-up Characterization of Novel Compounds in Yeast
- Identifying Novel Bioactivated Drug Leads Against Multiple Human Infectious Diseases
- Functional Characterization of Chemical-Genetic Interactions
- Building and Characterizing New Yeast Collections

Pierre Côte on the microscope.
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