The Genetic Landscape of the Cell


Supplementary Online Material (SOM)


Supplementary data files

General information

The SGA genetic interaction dataset is composed of 1711 queries crossed to 3885 array strains. Of 1711 queries, 1377 are deletion mutants of non-essential genes and 334 are essential gene alleles (214 temperature-sensitive and 120 DAmP alleles). TS and DAmP queries are indicated by "_tsq" and "_damp" suffixes, respectively. For a subset of essential genes, several different TS alleles were tested, as indicated by a unique number following the "_tsq" suffix. The set of array strains originally contained 4293 non-essential deletion mutants, but 408 mutants were removed for quality control reasons or due to incompatibility with SGA technology. Approximately 645,000 individual gene pairs were filtered from the 1711 x 3885 genetic interaction matrix for the same reasons. The resulting dataset contains ~6 million double mutants.

Supplementary data file S1. Raw data file

sgadata_costanzo2009_rawdata_101120.txt.gz - 160MB
Update (Jan. 28, 2010). Inconsistencies between single and double mutant fitnesses reported for 94 query strains and 2 array strains were corrected. The raw data file was updated with the correct single and double mutant fitness values for these strains. None of the SGA scores reported in the original data file were affected by these changes.
Update (Nov. 20, 2010). The clc1Δ screen was removed because an allele discrepancy was noticed.
The file contains the complete SGA genetic interaction dataset in a tab-delimited format with 13 columns:

Supplementary data file S2. Raw data matrix

sgadata_costanzo2009_rawdata_matrix_101120.txt.gz - 19MB
Update (Nov. 20, 2010). The clc1Δ screen was removed because an allele discrepancy was noticed.
The file contains the complete SGA genetic interaction matrix in Java Treeview format.

Supplementary data file S3. Dataset at lenient cutoff

sgadata_costanzo2009_lenientCutoff_101120.txt.gz - 12MB
Update (Nov. 20, 2010). The clc1Δ screen was removed because an allele discrepancy was noticed.
The file contains the SGA genetic interaction dataset with a lenient cutoff applied (p-value < 0.05). Reciprocal interactions (AB vs BA) were processed as follows: if AB and BA show opposite interaction signs (AB is positive and BA is negative, or viceversa), both pairs were removed; if AB and BA show the same interaction sign (both positive or both negative), the interaction with the lowest p-value was retained and both pairs are reported with that interaction. The file is provided in a tab-delimited format with 7 columns:

Supplementary data file S4. Dataset at intermediate cutoff

sgadata_costanzo2009_intermediateCutoff_101120.txt.gz - 3.1MB
Update (Nov. 20, 2010). The clc1Δ screen was removed because an allele discrepancy was noticed.
The file contains the SGA genetic interaction dataset with an intermediate cutoff applied (|ε| > 0.08, p-value < 0.05). Reciprocal interactions (AB vs BA) were processed as follows: if AB and BA show opposite interaction signs (AB is positive and BA is negative, or viceversa), both pairs were removed; if AB and BA show the same interaction sign (both positive or both negative), the interaction with the lowest p-value was retained and both pairs are reported with that interaction. The file is provided in a tab-delimited format with 7 columns:

Supplementary data file S5. Dataset at stringent cutoff

sgadata_costanzo2009_stringentCutoff_101120.txt.gz - 1.3MB
Update (Nov. 20, 2010). The clc1Δ screen was removed because an allele discrepancy was noticed.
The file contains the SGA genetic interaction dataset with a stringent cutoff applied (ε < -0.12, p-value < 0.05 or ε > 0.16, p-value < 0.05). Reciprocal interactions (AB vs BA) were processed as follows: if AB and BA show opposite interaction signs (AB is positive and BA is negative, or viceversa), both pairs were removed; if AB and BA show the same interaction sign (both positive or both negative), the interaction with the lowest p-value was retained and both pairs are reported with that interaction. The file is provided in a tab-delimited format with 7 columns:

Supplementary data file S6. Biological process annotations

bioprocess_annotations_costanzo2009.xls - 800KB

Supplementary data file S7. Chemical genomics data

chemgenomic_data_costanzo2009.xls - 3.5MB
The file contains the fitness defect scores for 4933 non-essential homozygous and 1107 essential heterozygous deletion mutants in the presence of 11 chemical treatments. Each row represents a gene deletion strain, given by its ORF name. Each column represents a treatment experiment.

Supplementary data file S8. The cell map poster

poster_costanzo2009.pdf - 16MB (updated on Apr. 1, 2010)

Supplementary data file S9. List of queries

sgadata_costanzo2009_query_list_101120.txt - 26KB
Update (Nov. 20, 2010). The clc1Δ screen was removed because an allele discrepancy was noticed.

Supplementary data file S10. List of arrays

sgadata_costanzo2009_array_list.txt - 53KB